include "allmisctops.php"; ?>
Please enter your gender and your current height, weight, and age in the form below, then click the "calculate" button. (Sorry, but for reasons I haven't figured out yet, this page works only in Microsoft Internet Explorer.)
Almost all "ideal body weight" web sites use obsolete formulas or tables created in 1979 or earlier. This page makes use of of the recommendations of weight loss professionals, including Stephen B. Halls, M.D., B.J. Devine, M.D., and J.D. Robinson, M.D. Unsurprisingly, Dr. Halls discovered that women tend to imagine their ideal weight is in the Callista Flockhart/Twiggy range, so they diet unnecessarily; men, though more realistic, tend to imagine their ideal weight somewhere near the neighborhood populated by Orson Welles, John Goodman, and George Wendt.
Want to lose some weight? Learn how to do it so you never have to diet again, ever.
include "/www/extremelysmart/yankee/RYbots.php"; ?>