Nostradamus really wrote the four lines of this quatrain. Just not in this order.
Michel de Nostredame, December 1503 to July 1566, was a French physician, apothecary, astrologer, and reputed seer who is best known for his 1555 Prophecies, 942 quatrains that believers say predicted the Great Fire of London (1666), the rise of Hitler, the moon landing, the two world wars, the Kennedy assassination {"the great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt"), the 9/11 attacks, and all sorts of other things. Catherine de' Medici became one of his foremost supporters, and he was probably consulted by Mary Stuart ("Queen of Scots"). Some people claim that for 2025, Nostradamus predicted floods, wildfires, economic instability and potential collapse and the downfall of the international influence of "the West."
The above quatrain is a random sampling of a colloquial English translation of lines that Nostradamus actually wrote. Every time you refresh the page, a new "prediction" will appear.